Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Chinese New Year

Reflection I was learning to write a slideshow about Chinese New Year. I found this work interesting because I never wrote slideshow about celebrations. One thing I did well in this was finding pictures for the slideshows.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Comparison of Color run and Holi festival

I was learning to write about a celebration comparison. I found this interesting. One thing I did well in this was knowing some facts of the celebration. One thing I could do better is to thing of more things at my end slide. Overall I thought this will be tricky but it wasn´t.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Michelle's Fun Facts

My Reflection It was easy to introduct to myself and talking about me.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

If I Won lotto

My Reflection I found it easy cause it's just thinking what you want to get if you won a lotta

EPS Value of Responsibility

My Reflection I found this writing hard because to think what it is to be responsible.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017


My Reflection I found it easy cause rest of it was just thinking what to write.

Principal for a week

My Reflection I found this easy but there's something hard in this work is to find a joke cause I can't make up jokes that great.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Impromptu Speech Writing

My reflection
I was learning to write a Impromptu speech. I found this work confusing. One thing I did well in this was thinking about what would I buy and putting images. One thing I could do better is think a little more to my feelings and thoughts. Overall I thought it was really cool.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

My Comparisons

Reflection It was half easy and tricky at the same time cause to search what they do and easy to put the pictures on, but I need to work on working faster.

The Story of Cats

Reflection It was tricky to find what cats do for this poem next time I will try to think more of cats.

Friday, 10 March 2017

Reader's Response- The Worlds worst children

Reflection It was hard to tell about what parts that I hate and what I like.